b'NEW! PRO MAXX PORTSExtremely durable Rotomolded shell100% filled with marine grade EPS foamHigh density premium polyethylene material with UV protection package.Molded-in bow stop with rubber overlayVariety of mounting options14 wheels with various softness & widthsQuick clip & stainless steel chainWith the same great features as the PRO ports, the PRO Maxx 5 and 6 are both longer and wider, and more adjustable to fit your water activity needs.Simple installation4 soft blue entrance wheels for ease of entry, with maximum hull protectionThe gradual entrance makes it smooth and flatAccommodates longer skis than the Pro seriesMolded in bow stop with chain and clipAdditional wheels and flexibility allows for precise alignment of PWCs to port, and allows the PWCs to come on smooth and easy while sitting flat on the portMid-section molded to fit deeper hulled machinesMany mounting options using all exclusive Pro PWC mountsSimple drive on - Simple drive off NEW! PRO 5 MAXX NEW! PRO 6 MAXX302390 302392 ITEM #DESCRIPTIONDIMENSIONSWEIGHTWEIGHT CAPACITYPRO Port 5 MAXX59 W x 168L300 lbs.1600 lbs.302390 302392PRO Port 6 MAXX72 W x 168 L350 lbs.1900 lbs. PRO PORT SERIES 33'